Mega Game 2001 #11
Mega Game № 11 2001.iso
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Although this demo will give a good idea of what Steel Beasts is like,
it does not contain all the features of the full version. In particular,
the full version has these additional features:
- Multiplayer support, including TCP/IP over the Internet.
- Many more vehicles, including a playable Leopard 2A4 with tutorials.
- More missions.
- Instant Action and Tank Range modes of play.
In addition, you can play any player-created missions. Although you
can create and play small missions with the demo, it is restricted
to missions with only four vehicles in total, and only certain vehicles
are allowed.
Check out the latest news about Steel Beasts at www.esimgames.com.
If you have any questions, be sure to read our FAQs there.
If you're having problems with your joystick, make sure that your
joystick is in slot 1 (in the Windows' Game Controllers).
Here are a list of the basic controls for SB:
Esc Quit the game
Pause Pause the game
F12 Time acceleration
F6 Gunner's position
F7 Tank commander's position
F8 Exterior view
F9 Jump to lead tank in next unit
Shift+F9 Jump to next tank in current unit
F11 Jump to lead tank in first engaged unit
Shift+F11 Screen shot
Shift+F12 Toggle fps counter
W Increase speed to next level
X Decrease speed to next level
(Back up if stopped)
S Halt
A Turn left 22.5 degrees
D Turn right 22.5 degrees
Shift+A Continuous left turn
Shift+D Continuous right turn
C Continue on last route / proceed to next route
E Go hull-down
Joy 2 Drive to point under "HUD checkpoint"
upon release of joystick button
(TC positon only)
[ Echelon-left formation
] Line formation
\ Echelon-right formation
Shift+[ Wedge formation
Shift+] Column formation
Shift+\ Vee formation
- Tighten formation spacing
+ Widen formation spacing
F Fire at will
H Hold fire
Shift+Tab Toggle engine smoke on/off
Tab Pop smoke
F1 Gunner's primary sight (GPS)
F2 Gunner's auxiliary sight (GAS)
F3 Unity sight
F4 Gunner's interior screen
F5 Map screen
Joy Up/Down Elevate/depress gun
Joy Left/Right Steer turret left/right
Joy 1 (Spacebar) Fire
Shift+Joy 1 (Spacebar) Fire and adjust
Joy 2 (Control) Lase
Joy 3 (P) Palm switch off while depressed
Joy 4 (N) Toggle day or TIS mag (GPS view)
M Toggle gun select: main / coax
T Notify TC of target in sights
Insert Set ammo select to Sabot
Delete Set ammo select to HEAT
, NORMAL fire control mode
. EMERGENCY fire control mode
/ MANUAL fire control mode
~ Toggle laser return: first / last
R Toggle GAS reticle: Sabot / HEAT
Keypad + Toggle TIS: on / standby
Keypad - Toggle TIS polarity
Arrow keys Manual-mode gun steering
0-9 Manual range entry (GPS view)
Enter Enter manual range entry into
ballistic computer (GPS view)
F1 TC eye view
F2 GPS extension (GPSE)
F3 0.50 Cal. machine gun sight
F5 Map screen
B Button/unbutton tank
Joystick Up/Down Elevate/depress current view
(Elevate/depress gun if overriding)
Joystick Left/Right Steer current view left/right
(Steer turret left/right if overriding)
Joy 1 (Spacebar) Order gunner to fire at target
(Fire gun if overriding)
Joy 2 (Control) Drive to this point (eye View)
(Lase, if overriding )
Shift+Joy 3 (P) Palm switch ON (overrides gunner)
Joy 3 (P) Palm switch ON while depressed
Joy 4 (N) Toggles binos on/off
(Toggles GPSE mag if overriding)
Shift+joy hat left or
Shift+left Arrow Gunner scan left
Shift+hat right or
Shift+right Arrow Gunner scan right
M Gunner use main gun / coax
Insert Load Sabot next round
Delete Load HEAT next round
, NORMAL fire control mode
. EMERGENCY fire control mode
/ MANUAL fire control mode
Keypad + Toggle TIS (on/standby) if overriding
Keypad - Toggle TIS polarity if overriding
0-9 Type battle sight range entry
Backspace Enter battle sight range into
ballistic computer